Hero For Nature


Through GIANT business unit, HERO Group take action to environmental care for preserving
the upstream ecosystem of Brantas River in Batu, East Java, with the program called “Giant
Peduli Brantas (GIRAS)”.
As the second longest river in Jawa Timur, which irrigates 15 cities and regencies in East
Java, including areas where the establishment of 26 Giant stores in East Java. Brantas River
located in Sumber Brantas, Bumiaji, Kota Batu, have some concerns over the functions of the
forest, which affecting the water flow upstream of the river.
Activities implemented in the program, which was launched on June 2, 2016, such as
reforestation, public facilities support, the footpath of Education Forest, construction of 4
gazebo and 1 monitoring post, seed & plant support, coaching and training for farmers, and
community empowerment through several other activities.
Through GIRAS movement, HERO Group invites public and communities to participate
(voluntary) in the program that will run over the next 2 years through active involvement in
every 3 months.