Hero For Education
One Store One School
1 Januari 2017
In education sector we have One Store One School program that had run from the end of 2011. This
program is under Giant business unit and offer an assistance at least 1 (one) school that located
around the stores. Schools who get the support is recommended by our customers, both through
store and to corporate email who as stated on POS materials distributed in the store. In addition,
recommendations schools and the type of assistance that given is the result of social mapping by our
team as well as partner or foundation appointed as our work partner, and as the party who
responsible for managing the Giant customer donation and the implementers of One Store One
School program.
Support provided to schools are education facilities support, infrastructure improvements, and
student scholarships. Since the first time of the program, there’s 377 schools has been helped by
One Store One School Programs until the end of 2016.