Work Archive
1 Desember 2023
Program Hero x FoodCycle Farm
Sebagai ritel yang telah menerapkan prinsip keberlanjutan dalam operasional bisnisnya, Hero Supermarket selalu berupaya memberikan dampak positif kepada lingkungan sekitar. Hero mewujudkannya dengan komitmen dan rencana keberlanjutan melalui berbagai inisiatif di bawah naungan program Hero For Life. Hero Supermarket kembali berkolaborasi dengan FoodCycle Indonesia meluncurkan program Hero & FoodCycle Farm untuk membantu mengurangi limbah organik. […]
Read more3 November 2023
Hero Green Fest
In support of our Sustainability Month, HERO Group held a three-day Hero Green Fest, “Green Lifestyle, Starts from You”, to promote sustainable practices and well-balanced lifestyles. Hero Green Fest kicked off with a recycling challenge where team members competed for the most points by recycling the most waste, such as plastics, glass bottles, aluminium cans, […]
Read more27 Agustus 2023
Guardiancares Kids Carnival
Guardian for Children’s Education on the Importance of Personal Hygiene at Kids Carnival Guardian, a leading modern health and beauty retailer in Indonesia, part of PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO Group), held a Kids Carnival with a series of exciting and educational activities related to hygiene and health involving more than 80 children from […]
Read more23 Agustus 2023
Kickoff Guardiancares
Guardian Distributes 24,000 Body Wash for Underprivileged Communities Guardian, a health and beauty retail chain, distributed 24,000 body wash to children in Indonesia in an effort to promote hygiene and prevent the spread of COVID-19. The body wash will be distributed to several orphanages and underprivileged communities in Jakarta and Bekasi as part of […]
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