Hero For Wellness

Program KASIH

Started in April 2014. Program KASIH (Komitmen Anak dan Ibu Sehat Hero) that supported by
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia is focusing in Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu assistance).
This sustainable program will run for 3 years in different stages and has supported 110 posyandu in
total 4 cities in Indonesia. Located in Jakarta, South Tangerang, Surabaya and Timika with total
beneficiaries more than 10.000 children under five years old. Training for cadres and provide
additional food are supports that given by this program to posyandu.
As a part of program KASIH, Posyandu Competition and Posyandu Fair are held as an evaluation and
appreciation to cadres and posyandu. In Posyandu competition, the judges that consist of Public
Health Office, Puskesmas and Kelurahan will measure the abilities and knowledge of cadres, both
operational and administration. The result of this scoring will be announced in Posyandu Fair, where
this event will not only involve posyandu but also surrounding community and partner to participate.
First year of Posyandu Competition and Posyandu Fair were held in Kelurahan Pondok Pinang (with
21 Posyandu), while the second year were held in Kelurahan Pondok Jaya. Selected Posyandu and
cadres are expected to be the role model, and have responsibility to transfer the knowledge and
spread the spirit for other Posyandu and community.